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Boost Your Business with Inbound and Outbound Calling


In the ever-evolving business landscape, staying on top of the competition involves a keen understanding of the tools that can give you a competitive edge. One such tool that can significantly improve your business operations is telephone services. More specifically, inbound and outbound calling. Inbound and Outbound calling can play a pivotal role in bolstering your business. First, we will understand what inbound and outbound calling is. Then we will discuss how inbound calling increases your business, and also how outbound calling can boost your business’s success. 


Understanding Inbound and Outbound Calling


inbound callingSo what exactly is the difference between inbound calling and outbound calling? Inbound calling is the gateway through which customers reach your company. They are calls that are incoming to a company. They may be on a quest for information or require support. On the flip side, outbound calling is calls made by the company. It is a proactive approach where you extend your company’s reach to potential clients. This could be for introducing your latest product offerings, promoting exclusive deals, or ensuring that any previous queries they had have been satisfactorily resolved. Grasping these two elements and their intricacies can empower you to unlock their immense potential and use it to your business advantage.


How Inbound Calling Boosts Your Business

Picture your business as a bustling marketplace. Now, envision inbound calling as the customer service desk in the center of this marketplace. It’s where customers come to when they have questions, require assistance, or wish to provide feedback. When you open the lines of communication through inbound calls, you’re creating an opportunity for direct, real-time interaction with your clients.

Engaging in one-on-one dialogues with customers can do wonders in fostering trust and loyalty. It shows your clients that you are there for them, ready and eager to solve their problems and address their concerns. This goes a long way in enhancing customer satisfaction, and in the business world, a satisfied customer is pure gold.

But the power of inbound calling doesn’t end there. With each call, you gather information. Each query, compliment, or complaint holds clues to your customers’ behavior and preferences. By tracking and analyzing these calls, you can unlock patterns and trends. This data is not just a mine of information, it’s a compass guiding you toward informed and strategic business decisions.

Indeed, inbound calling does more than boost your customer service. It provides a rich data source that can mold your future marketing strategies and shape your business trajectory.


Harnessing Outbound Calling for Business Success

outbound callingThe power of outbound calling lies in its proactive approach. It’s like you’re stepping out of your storefront and reaching out to potential customers, rather than waiting for them to come to you. This strategy can be a game-changer, putting your products and services on the radar of a wider audience and potentially boosting your sales.

Outbound calls aren’t just about promoting your offerings; they’re also about enriching your relationship with your customers. Whether you’re informing them about an upcoming sale, updating them about a new service, or simply checking in to make sure their last purchase was satisfactory, outbound calls are an opportunity to show your customers that you value their business. This not only helps to foster a deeper relationship with your existing customers but can also turn them into ambassadors who spread the word about your company, helping you reach an even wider audience.

Outbound Calling as a Research Tool

And then there’s the potential of outbound calling as a research tool. Each call you make can provide valuable insights. You can ask your customers about their preferences, listen to their suggestions, and take their feedback on board. This invaluable information can help you fine-tune your products, services, and overall business strategy.

However, the effectiveness of outbound calling isn’t automatic. It requires strategic planning and implementation. Each call should have a clear purpose, whether it’s to inform, promote, or gather feedback. Additionally, your team needs to be well-trained, equipped not only with in-depth knowledge about your offerings but also with the necessary communication skills to represent your company positively.

Yes, outbound calling can be a powerful tool for business success. But like all tools, it’s not about having it; it’s about how you use it. So, harness it wisely, and watch as it contributes to your business growth.


The Power of Integrating Both Inbound and Outbound Calling 

One can view inbound and outbound calling as two sides of the same coin. Both play crucial roles in fostering customer relationships, promoting your offerings, and extracting valuable insights. But, it’s when these two forces unite that the magic really happens.

Imagine inbound and outbound calling as two halves of a conversation. The inbound half listens to your customers, solving their problems, answering their questions, and collecting valuable information about their preferences and behavior. This treasure trove of information can help you make data-driven decisions, ultimately steering your business in the right direction.

Then comes the outbound half, the speaker. This is your chance to reach out to your clients, informing them about new products, exciting deals, or simply assuring them that their feedback has been noted and acted upon. The information collected during inbound calls can help guide these outbound interactions, making them more relevant and impactful.

Consider the potential power of this two-way dialogue. Each call becomes more than a simple conversation; it becomes a strategic interaction that drives your business forward. From cultivating stronger relationships with your customers to gaining deeper insights into their preferences, the synergy of inbound and outbound calling opens up an array of opportunities.

For this strategy to work effectively, it’s crucial that both halves work in tandem. This means sharing insights between teams and using the knowledge gained from inbound calls to shape your outbound strategy. In this way, your business can strike a perfect balance, listening and speaking in a harmonious and productive conversation with your customers.

Of course, implementing this dual strategy requires careful coordination. But with thoughtful planning and execution, inbound and outbound calling can work together, not just as individual tools but as a powerful combined force. It’s the difference between merely talking to your customers and engaging in meaningful, strategic dialogue. And in the dynamic world of business, that can make all the difference.

So, let your inbound and outbound calling teams work hand in hand, leveraging the power of both to create a well-rounded and robust communication strategy. After all, when two forces unite, they can achieve much more than they ever could alone.


If you are ready to boost your business, visit our website and fill out our form, or give us a call!  


Implementing Effective Strategies for Inbound and Outbound Calling 

Customer feedbackThe journey towards reaping the benefits of inbound and outbound calling starts with a well-laid out plan. Just as a gardener prepares the soil before sowing the seeds, you need to set the foundation for your calling strategy. It all begins with equipping your team with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Each member of your call center should be adept at communicating effectively and professionally. They need to understand the art of conversation – knowing when to listen, when to ask questions, and when to provide solutions. This requires regular and targeted training programs to fine-tune their skills and keep them updated on the latest communication techniques.

But communication skills aren’t enough. Your team also needs to be well-versed in your product or service line. They should have an in-depth understanding of what you offer and how it benefits your customers. Only then can they handle queries confidently and promote your offerings convincingly.

Once your team is prepared, the next step is to define clear objectives for each call. Without a defined purpose, a call can end up being a random conversation that doesn’t add value to your business or your customer. Whether it’s resolving a customer’s issue or collecting feedback, the objective of the call should guide its direction and ultimately determine its success.

Monitoring and evaluation are the final, but no less critical, steps in your strategy. You need to track the performance of your calls regularly to understand their effectiveness. This can be done by recording calls, using call tracking software, or conducting regular reviews with your team. With this feedback, you can identify areas of improvement and continually refine your strategy to ensure it remains effective and aligned with your business goals.

In essence, the success of your inbound and outbound calling strategy is based on a mix of trained staff, clear objectives, and regular monitoring.  With this approach, your phone lines won’t just be channels of communication; they will be powerful tools that propel your business forward.


Challenges and Solutions in Inbound and Outbound Calling 

No endeavor is without its hurdles, and inbound and outbound calling are no exceptions. One of the common challenges businesses face is managing high call volumes. Sometimes your call center is swamped with a deluge of calls, potentially leading to extended waiting times and frustrated customers. However, there’s a silver lining here. High call volumes indicate high customer engagement, which is a positive sign for any business. The key lies in handling this influx efficiently. This is where a call management system comes into play. With features such as call queuing, routing, and interactive voice responses, it can help manage the flow of calls and ensure that no customer is left waiting.

Quality is another aspect that poses a challenge. In the flurry of receiving and making calls, the quality of interaction can sometimes take a hit. Yet, this is a critical component that can make or break the customer’s perception of your business. Regular training and feedback can be instrumental in maintaining call quality. This should include refresher courses on effective communication, empathetic listening, and handling difficult situations. Periodic feedback sessions can also help identify areas of improvement and provide targeted solutions to improve call quality.

An additional challenge lies in extracting and analyzing data from calls. The wealth of information that each call holds can seem overwhelming. However, with call recording and analytics tools, you can sift through this data and find patterns, trends, and insights that can shape your future strategies.

Dealing with challenges is part and parcel of business growth. What’s important is how you overcome these hurdles and turn them into stepping stones for success. So, while the road of inbound and outbound calling may seem daunting at times, equipped with the right tools and strategies, you can navigate it successfully. And remember, every challenge overcome is a stride towards a more robust, customer-centric business.



Navigating the landscape of business operations, inbound and outbound calling emerges as a potent strategy for growth and customer satisfaction. Inbound calling serves as your direct line to customers, opening avenues for immediate assistance, collecting valuable feedback, and fostering trust. On the other hand, outbound calling lets you proactively reach out to customers and potential clients, promoting your offerings, and solidifying relationships. By strategically integrating both inbound and outbound calling, you can create a harmonious dialogue with your customers, making each interaction an opportunity to drive your business forward. While challenges such as managing high call volumes or maintaining call quality may arise, they can be successfully navigated with the right tools and strategies. In essence, inbound and outbound calling aren’t just about communication; they’re about leveraging tools to propel your business higher. Visit our website to start your journey of increasing your business’s success! 

Reducing average handle time

Reducing Average Handle Time in a Contact Center

Average Handle Time (AHT) is critical to measure the efficiency of a contact center. AHT is the calculation of the average period of contact between an agent and a customer. The seemingly simple measurement of time will help improve the productivity of the center. Additionally, customer satisfaction is more likely to get better after learning about which areas need enhancing. The Time Doctor Website says that 93% of customer service teams believe that clients have higher expectations in 2021 (and will continue to have higher standards in 2022) than in previous years. 

When a contact center can maintain a low AHT, their performance gets better reviews. As we all know, a better reputation means better SEO, more clients, and long-term customer relationships.

How can a call center achieve and maintain better handle times and improve customer satisfaction? KPI Connect has over 25 years of experience, and we have a few tips and suggestions to offer!

Why is Average Handle Time Important?

Average Handle Time Calculation

As previously stated, the AHT measures the time of a phone call between an agent and a customer. Therefore, AHT data can assist a company with achieving goals and identifying issues.


A low AHT shows that an agent is better at problem solving and communication. The company can help by adding common complaints or queries to a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Time Doctor says that 40% of businesses use this tactic to resolve customer issues, making their center more efficient. 

If the customer can find answers for their questions themselves when call volumes are high, they won’t have to wait. Having more FAQs for the public eye can give the customer a choice to problem-solve themselves or contact the center directly. As MyCustomer says, giving customers a few options will make them feel happier and in control. 

Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

Indeed, companies need their customers. If a contact center has high AHTs, their customer satisfaction is likely lower. Collecting the time of your calls can give you a higher level of analysis regarding your customer service. With correct data, you can get customer feedback and handle time analytics. According to the Time Doctor website, 67% of companies have grown through collecting customer feedback. Moreover, customer responses can elevate brand value and online reviews for a call center.  

Happier Agents

If your systems and programs are running smoothly, your handle times can become lower than if your programs and phones are outdated. Furthermore, updating technology creates a better work environment for the agents. The Warwick website quotes a 2021 study that found happiness can make individuals 12% more productive. Moreover, employees are more loyal to a work environment that treats them well. Having faithful employees means that you do not have to spend the time or money on training and staff turnover.   

Lower Support Costs

As the age-old saying goes, time is money! Finding different ways to make answering or making calls better will ensure the entire team is more productive. 

Continuously reducing your handle times will help you see what works for your company and what does not. 

Is The Company AHT Too Long?

Unhappy customer waiting on hold

Observe.AI mentions that calculating a suitable AHT relies on the industry. Quoting Cornell, the benchmark for telecommunications is just over 8 minutes. As for financial or IT services, the handling time should be just below five minutes (depending on the complexity of the calls, of course). 

There are different ways to tell if your handling time exceeds an ideal number. 

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a common theme throughout this article. Truly, customers are among the most vital factors regarding the success of a business. Even if they are not filing complaints, they are not required to use your service again. To separate your center from other agencies, you need five-star reviews and low handling times. Monitoring calls can give more insight into your center’s handle times, the amount of transfers, holds, and more. 

Hold Times

As stated in the previous paragraph, if your hold times are long and the customer has to bounce between agents, your handle times will increase. Plum Voice surveyed over 2,500 clients and found that nearly 60% of respondents believe that going on hold for one minute is too long. If the company has multiple holds or transfers, one should look into possible issues and find solutions to rectify the AHT. 

Repeat Calls

If a customer has to call a team repeatedly to handle one issue, not only will customer satisfaction suffer, but also the AHT will likely increase. Clients will feel happy with their received services if their customer complaints and questions have quick handling. If your contact center has a poor AHT, confer your repeat calls. 

Fixing your AHT

Smiling contact center agent

Know the product 

If an agent is not trained properly regarding the product they have to support, or knowledgeable of how a specific company works, they have to take time out of their call to find answers. Both handle times and hold times are at risk of increasing. 

However, as products and companies constantly evolve and update, staying on top of changes gets difficult. Employers can help agents with regular training and coaching. 

Prioritize training and coaching

Ensuring that agents are familiar with their software, computers, company standards, and other critical aspects can better prepare the employees for quick problem-solving. As we said before, continuous training will help cultivate your team and improve AHT.

Record and monitor

Recording calls (inbound and outbound) will give you plenty of important information. The given data will show the areas that need improvement. If you have excessive call transfers or common problems eating up time, your calls will show you.

Make sure the client goes to the right agent

Call routing is yet another way to reduce AHT. If a call goes to the correct representative the first time, you don’t have to worry about transfers, hold times, or poor customer service ratings. There are automated systems that can help direct callers to the right agent.

Update technology

Time Doctor says that 29% of businesses have installed live chat software to improve customer support. In turn, agent workloads get reduced. If the bot can help the customer, the client doesn’t have to call. 90% of the businesses using live chats found the software helped streamline the centers’ operation.


There are plenty of ways to reduce your Average Handle Time. 

An acceptable AHT means happier customers and agents, higher productivity, and lower support costs. 

If your hold times are excessive or if agents have to make too many transfers, you may want to consider methods to reduce your handle times. There are multiple ways to fix your AHT: know the product, put effort into consistent training, record and monitor calls, work on your call routing, and keep the technology updated. 

Those tasks may seem plentiful, but your company, agents, and clients will benefit. KPI Connect knows better than anyone! 

KPI Connect

Our company has received more than 12 awards, but there are a few that mean the most for our AHT: best technology, best training and performance, and highest employee satisfaction. KPI Connect trains our agents to be ready for any problems and help them by giving them updated software, technology, and coaching. 

The KPI philosophy is three words: collaborate, communicate and connect. Along with understanding your business, we want to become an extension of the company so we can help customers quickly. We can help you reach goals if your company needs improvement on customer service, profit, or productivity. 

Our English and French-speaking business has a wide variety of services: outsourced customer care, inbound customer support, product support, overflow services, and more. 

Contact us if you require assistance. We always look forward to working with new clients and helping solve company issues!

KPI Connect

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Everything You Need to Know About Contact Centers

Contact centers handle incoming and outgoing phone calls with a team of agents (or advisors). These centers help businesses with customer support, telemarketing, market research, handling queries, and much more. Moreover, the agents help with company image as they resolve issues to create a happier, stronger customer base. 

KPI Connect Solutions Inc. was founded in 1994 and became an award-winning contact center. As a contact center, we not only handle phone calls but also live chats, emails, messaging, etcetera. We find that having more methods of communication allows us to be a deeply involved part of your business and more helpful for your clients. Furthermore, we have both inbound and outbound abilities. 

Below, we will discuss the difference between inbound and outbound communication, benefits of hiring an outsourced contact center, and how we handle the common concerns for outsourcing a call center.

Inbound vs Outbound Contact Centers

The purpose of an inbound call center is to handle calls that are incoming to an organization or business. Often, these calls come from existing customers who have questions or are experiencing issues with products or services. New customers who may want to place an order are also considered inbound callers.

However, inbound call centers also work on dispatch services, help desk services, and order processing. Their role is much larger than simply answering phone calls.

Outbound call center agents mainly make outgoing phone calls to potential customers as well as existing customers. They may be reminding individuals of appointments, telemarketing, composing market research and survey outreach, doing post-sale follow ups or charity fundraising. 

Outbound agents are able to engage the prospect, make clients feel valued and get the people they are calling interested and involved.

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Contact Center


We are a bigger industry than many may believe. According to IBISWorld, the market size of the telemarketing and call center industry is $1.6 billion. Why so large? Possibly because there are many advantages to hiring a contact center for your business. 

First of all, we can help you reduce your costs and save company time. In saving full-time employees from having to answer calls, they are able to focus on other tasks. 

Secondly, contact centers will improve your business image and greatly help with customer service. The team of agents within the center go through extensive customer service training. Moreover, taking care of the customer is our main and most important goal– they receive our full attention. 

By helping the image and reputation of a business, we are able to help improve the profitability and give staff relief. 

Lastly, we do extensive call analysis. Through our analysis, we are able to monitor data and ensure the quality, availability, and connection of our calls. We want to make sure that there are no problems for the customers. If their call is pleasant and the person they speak to is helpful, the client will return.  

Outbound calling services are also great for generating leads and qualification. By reaching out to prospects, agents can generate a more authentic connection through direct communication. 

Concerns Regarding Contact Centers

As with anything, there are pros and cons. Below are a few of the concerns that come with call centers, and how we at KPI Connect can put your mind at ease. 

Will they have knowledge of my industry?

Call centers with multiple clients do not normally specialize in one specific industry. You need individuals who know your company and can answer your customer’s clients accurately. One of the main goals of KPI Connect is to become an extension of your company. We work hard to fully familiarize ourselves with your business, goals, and needs. Furthermore, we have over 125 clients and 26 years of experience, meaning that we have a very well-rounded and knowledgeable team.

Will I still have control if I outsource my contact center?

When individuals outsource, especially if they have never outsourced before, they can feel as though they’ve lost control of their business. Indeed, trusting somebody else to handle your customer service is daunting! You don’t want to spend large amounts of your time with close supervision, because then what would be the point of hiring a contact center at all? 

KPI Connect has great testimonials from our many customers. We showcase our results and work to collaborate with you so we can relieve any stress or doubts you may have. 

Can I get the same business feedback?

Customer feedback

With an in-house team, you might feel that the valuable information stemming from your customer service is closer. Customers change their minds all the time and so your business must make certain adjustments and changes to keep up. You may hold the belief that an outsourced contact center is unable to give you the same in-depth information. 

As we previously stated, KPI Connect always works to collaborate with our clients. Our goal is to provide a more satisfying experience for the customer and enhance customer relations. By working beyond normal business hours, we have the chance to help your clients much later than an in-house team can. Additionally, we are strong believers in communication so we will give you all the information you require. 


Both inbound and outbound contact centers have their specialties and benefits. You can reduce business costs, save employees time, improve the company reputation, and generate great leads. While some individuals may be concerned about the company having adequate industry knowledge, losing control, and receiving the same quality of feedback from customers, KPI Connect works hard to counteract these concerns. 

As both an inbound and outbound contact center, KPI Connect has no limits as to what we can do for your company.

KPI Connect Solutions Inc. 

The KPI philosophy is three words: collaborate, communicate and connect. Along with understanding your business, we want to become an extension of the company. Our innovative efforts allow us to produce great results and long-lasting relationships. We help many different companies of all sizes, and we feel confident that we can help your business too! Regardless if you need improvement on customer service, profit, or productivity, we can help you reach your goals. 

Our English and French-speaking company has a wide variety of services: outsourced customer care, inbound customer support, product support, overflow services, scheduled appointments, back office support, and claims or complaints. 

Contact us if you are in need of assistance. We always look forward to working with new clients and helping solve company issues!

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